We want your experience at University Parkway to be first-class all the way! From amazing children’s ministries to inspirational worship and messages, our weekend services are a place where you can encounter the life-changing presence of God. Below you will find some helpful information on what to expect when you arrive at a service. We want your visit to feel as comfortable as possible, so be sure to contact us if you should have any questions; you can also ask a guest services member on the day you arrive.
Weekend Services
Our worship services are very contemporary and uplifting. You’ll experience powerful live worship, and an inspiring message filled with truth and hope from the Word of God. You’ll also have the opportunity to pray, give, and participate in special baptism and communion services at various times throughout the year.
We are one church; all committed to the same experience values, and dedicated to putting God first in every area of life.
Livewire Preschool
Six-weeks to 5 years
Caring for your infants and toddlers during weekend services in a safe and nurturing environment.
Livewire Kidz Ministry
Grades K – 5th Grade
Kids have their very own simultaneous service. We’re here to ensure your kids encounter God, have fun, and feel loved.
Membership and Discovering Parkway Classes
Open to all
Discover more about the vision and values of University Parkway Baptist Church; learn about membership, and your next steps to getting involved.
Here are just a few details to help you prepare for your visit:
As you approach our parking lot(s), you will be greeted by one of our friendly Parking Team Members. This team serves to direct you, and help ensure a timely and efficient traffic flow before and after service.
Next, you will meet one of our Greeters. This team is here to welcome you, answer any questions you may have, and offer directions to any of our childrens’ ministries, classrooms, etc.
To help you find your seat(s), you will meet our friendly Ushers. Let them know how many people are in your party, and they will guide you to the best seat(s) available.
Our worship services typically last about an hour and ten minutes. We recommend arriving early so you won’t feel rushed
Our DRIVE-IN service begins at 9:30 AM in the front parking lot. Our 11:00 AM service meets in the main Worship Center.
What to Wear
Dress comfortably. One of the things you’ll notice about University Parkway Baptist Church is that we are a very diverse church. You’ll feel right at home wearing anything from shorts, to jeans, to business casual.
We’d love the opportunity to meet you. We invite you to fill out our bulletin tear-off. You can let us know what will work best for you.