We have some of the best student ministry volunteers at University Parkway!! They have a desire to impact the lives the students that they interact with. They fervently pray, support, and encourage the students that come through our student ministry. Many of our leaders have left only to go on to full-time ministry in other student ministries around the area.
It is our desire to create safe environments for our students to attend. Therefore, we are very serious in selecting our volunteers who will have regular contact with our students. We provide training, conduct background checks, and have accountability in place to ensure our 180 Student Ministry is safe for our students and volunteers. We are always looking for new faces who are willing to make a difference in the lives of teenagers. We have had volunteers who are married, single, divorced, have kids, no kids, taught before, never taught before, new Christians, old Christians and everything in between. We would love to have you as part of our team! If you have an interest in serving in our student ministry, please fill out the form below and someone will contact you as soon as possible.